Welcome to Atomic Academia

ⓘ The Age of Data

The Atomic Article Process

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The Atomising Process

1. Submit Your Research:

  • Start by submitting your research paper to us. This can be done through our easy-to-use online submission portal.
  • Provide essential details about your research, including your objectives and key findings.

2. Our Expert Review:

  • Once received, two stage review, intial sift where editorial board vote 👍 or 👎 within 28 days
  • 👍 articles proceed to peer review where our team of academic or industry experts reviews your paper thoroughly.
  • The peer review is attached to your atomic article on publication.
  • We focus on identifying the core elements of your research that will resonate most with our audience.

3. Crafting the Atomic Article:

  • Our skilled writers and editors condense your research into a short-form article, typically ranging from 600 to 2000 words.
  • We ensure that while the article is concise, it retains the essence and integrity of your original research.

4. Visual Enhancement:

  • To make the article more engaging, we add visual elements like infographics, charts, and images that complement your research.
  • This visual storytelling approach makes complex concepts easier to understand and retain.

5. Final Review and Your Approval:

  • You'll have the opportunity to review the final draft of the Atomic Article.
  • We welcome your feedback and make revisions to ensure the article meets your satisfaction.
  • The editorial peer review is adapted for the atomic article and posted by the editor on the atomic article.

6. Publication and Dissemination:

  • Once approved, your Atomic Article is published on our platform.
  • It becomes part of our diverse library of content, accessible to a global audience.

Atomic Academic - Self Author Option

✏️Take control of the writing process and craft your Atomic Article in our self-service Playground.

If you enjoy the autonomy of self-authorship, our playground provides a hands-on environment to create your Atomic Article.

Experiment with styles, formats, and visuals to bring your research to life. Additionally, explore our comprehensive editorial tools to refine your writing and ensure it meets your highest standards. 

Submit Your Research